
  1. Turkalj, Lucija. Accepted for publishing. The Translational Version of the Vita Adae et Evae in the Croatian Glagolitic Manuscripts. Publications de l'Institut romand des sciences bibliques.


    The translational Glagolitic version of the Vita Adae et Evae occurs in two non-liturgical miscellanies, the older and full text in theŽgombić Miscellany from the 16th century, and the younger, preserved incompletely, in the Fatević Miscellany from the 17th century. The textual analysis shows an affiliation of the Croatian Glagolitic version to the first textual family of the fifth Latin redactional group (T1), attested by the Latin manuscripts of the 14th and 15th centuries. Croatian Glagolitic texts do not have certain newer omissions and variants mainly characteristic of T1a and occasionally followed by Aj and Cc, manuscripts of the atypical T1d group, but instead, the older readings retained by T1b and T1c. There are some very old readings from the older redactions, also retained in the late Latin T2d and Ba. The number of Latin manuscripts with similar readings originating from Olomouc and Kraków could point to the middle 15th century Moravia and Poland as the areas of origin of the Latin text which has served as a model for the Croatian Glagolitic translation.

  2. Kovačević, Ana. 2015. Žena, majka, svetica: Elizabeta Ugarska u latinskim i hrvatskoglagoljskim izvorima (Woman, Mother, Saint: Elizabeth of Hungary in the Latin and Croatian Glagolitic sources). Radovi Zavoda za hrvatsku povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu 47(1). 309–335.


    A royal descendant, „the greatest woman of the German Middle Ages“, beloved and loving wife and mother, devoted caretaker of the poor, homeless and sick, wellknown for her contemplative piety, self-mortification and commitment to the ideal of voluntary poverty, saint Elizabeth of Hungary / of Thurungia (1207. – 1231.) was the first canonized woman of the Franciscan spirituality and, obviously, the most convenient choice for the patroness of the tertiaries, i. e. Third Order of st. Francis and Secular Franciscan Order. Literary evidences of Elisabeth's popularity in the Middle Ages and beyond are two Latin immensely popular texts: Legenda aurea (cca. 1260.) by Italian chronicler and archbishop of Genoa Jacobus de Voragine and De institutione bene vivendi per exempla sanctorum (cca. 1496.) by Croatian Christian humanist Marko Marulić of Split. In the first one, Elisabeth is one of only five contemporary (twelfth and thirteenth-century) saints whose story is told by de Voragine and the only woman among them. In the second one, being a collection of moral stories and anecdotes from the Bible and from the lives of numerous saints, Elisabeth is the most referred to and praised woman after Blessed Virgin Mary.

    Owing to the fact that canonization of Elisabeth was one of the first papally driven and formalized canonization processes, reliable sources about her life have been preserved until our time. The most extensive and important among them is known as the Dicta quatuor ancillarum (1235.). Dicta includes testimonies from Elisabeth's close female companions Guda, Isentrud, Irmgard and Elisabeth. The outstanding quality of Dicta is its female perspective which provides an outspoken point of view accompanied by many interesting details of st. Elisabeth's everyday life. De Voragine and Marulić both used Dicta as their primary source of information abour Elisabeth but they adjusted it according to their understanding of Elisabeth's life (in terms of her marriage) and the purposes of their respective texts. It seems as the fact that while being married she was beloved and loving wife didn't completely fit in their (medieval) conception of the female saint.
    Considerably shortened Croatian Church Slavonic translation of the Dicta quatuor ancillarum, based on well selected portions of the original text, can be found in the Croatian Glagolitic breviaries (14./15. c) as a part of the Office of readings for st. Elisabeth (19th November). The Glagolitic text from I. Ljubljana breviary is published in the Latin script transliteration accompanied with the critical appartus comprising all known versions of the reading preserved in the Croatian Glagolitic breviaries (13 of them). The significance of this reading emerges not only from the fact that contemporary breviaries do not contain it any more (it is replaced by a short version of Summa vitae by Elisabeth's confessor Conrad of Marburg), but also from the fact that it had enriched Croatian medieval literacy with Dicta's female straightness and openness. Being written in vernacular and not Latin, like all the previously mentioned sources, it contributed to the strenghtening of st. Elisabeth's cult and Franciscan spirituality, but most of all to the overall democratization and accessibility of the medieval literature and literacy itself.

    Key words: Elisabeth of Hungary, Croatian glagolitic sources, Dicta quatuor ancillarum, Legenda aurea, De institutione bene vivendi per exempla sanctorum

  3. Vela, Jozo. 2016. O že kao pojačajnoj čestici u hrvatskome crkvenoslavenskome jeziku (Že as an emphatic particle in Croatian Church Slavonic language). Fluminensia 28(1). 7–18..


    The particle že is among the most frequent words in Croatian Glagolitic texts written in Croatian Church Slavonic Language. Furthermore, as a distinct Church Slavonic word it is a good distinctive feature for the identification of such texts. It is often used as an adjunctive particle or a coordinating conjunction. We can also frequently find it in the function of a simple affix to different words with which it initially stood enhancing their meaning. This paper examines the status of that kind of že, the emphatic one, as an independent word in Croatian Church Slavonic.

    It is shown that the particle že – already only sporadically confirmed in its emphatic role in Old Church Slavonic with imperatives, question words or other words that carry emphasis – in the Croatian Glagolitic texts appears as a distinct archaism that, through various editorial interventions, was usually disposed of from the system. This might be attributed to the fact that the original Glagolitic texts were either adapted to Latin or created according to the Latin template, and that the Latin language did not have a corresponding particle. But its disappearance is more likely due to the fact that the Church Slavonic texts emerged in the area where the (Čakavian) Croatian language was spoken, in which že had probably already disappeared long since and functioned only as a phonetically changed affix -re.

    Key words: Croatian Church Slavonic Language, particle že, emphatic particle.

  4. Kovačević, Ana. Accepted for publishing. Conjoined noun phrases agreement with predicate: Croatian Church Slavonic corpus. Slověne 3(5).

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